Today in CON ESTO FUNCIONA by Esteve Doménech, we have Pep de Sant Pol, an industrial engineer who has changed his life and is now an organic farmer…
It’s the most complex thing I’ve ever done.
There are two things here: One is proximity, which means that you can choose a product, and then there is the element of organic or non-organic production.
My cold room is the plant, it’s the field.
The same day that we harvest the chard from the field, that same afternoon it is in Linverd….
Microorganisms that are extremely beneficial to the plant, the plant will be much more vigorous, much more productive, much healthier, because we are what we eat.
What I would like is for Linverd’s customer to know that two and a half months ago I planted it, what day I picked it, that that lettuce has been out of the ground for a day and that he is buying a lettuce that almost still beats in Linverd’s heart.
In the end, what I am looking for is a balance with my environment.
The body is intelligent but has a limit
Are you a grass cow or a feed cow?
Do you know the history of DDT?
The problem of glyphosate in vegetables