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Ecological Consumption

Is there really so much difference between a food that is organic and another that is not?

Of course, although sometimes it cannot be seen with the naked eye. We can say that there are two clear differences: the way in which it has been produced and the quality of the food itself. Organic food is produced with the minimum of environmental impact. No pesticides, herbicides or synthetic mineral fertilizers are used. The contamination of the environment that occurs systematically in conventional industrialized agriculture does not happen with the practice of organic farming.

Therefore, although power is not seen, behind an organic food is the preservation of the environment. Regarding the quality of the organic product, there is a characteristic that cannot be seen with the naked eye but is very important: the lack of synthetic chemical pesticide residues. Only this fact gives a health guarantee to organic food that conventional food does not have. In addition, several studies have shown that the nutritional quality of organic food is higher. This is largely explained by the fact that organic food has been grown without forcing and intensifying its production, allowing the crop to develop more at its own pace on fertile and living soil.

Can any food product be obtained organically?

Most foods have developed a regulation that specifies under what conditions organic food must be produced and processed. Thus we can find any fresh and processed fruit and vegetables, meat, eggs, milk and any other animal production, honey, wine, oil, nuts, pre-cooked, frozen dishes, etc., all organically produced.

Yes, it is true that there may be certain types of food that are more difficult to obtain and therefore are little present in the market. We hope that the already extensive offer of organic food will be increasingly broad and accessible.

Can organic food only be sold to certain stores?

There is no restriction on the types of businesses that can sell organic products. The CCPAE does give those businesses that want to differentiate themselves the option of registering in a registry of Recommended Retail Establishments. The CCPAE makes some controls on these establishments and publishes a Directory Guide where they appear related. On the CCPAE website ( you will find information on how to be a Recommended Store.

Do all organic foods have a distinctive that identifies them as such?

The seal of the entity that certifies it as organic must appear on the label of organic food containers. I am very clear that no food can be called or advertised as organic if it is not certified and has the corresponding seal. There is the case of product labels that for market reasons or have seals from various certifiers.

It should be clear that having more stamps does not mean that it is more ecological. That is if at least you must have a valid one. On the CCPAE website ( you can see the different types of seals that can be found on organic products and the certifying entity that corresponds to each one.

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