Ecological infant feeding, the best for our children
Children are very sensitive to residues of harmful substances in food, pollution and pesticides.
The baby’s body is fragile, it is not able to effectively degrade the toxics that can arrive with food and will only be able to eliminate them with difficulty.
Buying organic products is the best method to offer our children the best guarantees to obtain natural ingredients, pure, without risk elements and without artificial additions, respecting the natural balance and preserving the authentic flavor of organically grown foods.

It is also important to take into account the growing emergence of food intolerances and allergies that are largely related to environmental pollution, phytosanitary waste, additives and food contaminants.

We must also avoid the presence of refined sugars of rapid assimilation, which cause hyperglycemia, the presence of a high amount of sugar in children’s foods can distort their eating habits.
Another positive aspect of organic farming is that it connects us with the natural rhythms when consuming seasonal products that mark our diet, we take advantage of the vitamins and minerals that the land offers us when aligned with the seasons of the year.