Buddha Protein Xia bar, lemon, spirulina 47gr ECO
Bars that, in addition to being energetic and satiating due to the presence of nuts and dates, dream of important sources of protein (a feature that Buddha Energy Bars lack).
Which one makes it different? These two bars, the content of this nutrient is improved by adding rice and pea proteins, which makes them an especially convenient solution for the moment after physical training, providing a greater variety and density of nutrients than a protein shake.
Its sugar content, in addition to providing energy, is good for replenishing muscle glycogen (sugar reserves) spent during exercise.
It’s not just indicated for that particular time, but these bars also dream of a good choice for anyone who wants to increase their protein intake between meals.
The protein bars are available in 2 different flavor and superfood combinations, both 47g. Cocoa and spirulina, both have flavors, dream rich superfoods magnesium, iron and potassium, minerals that contribute to muscle maintenance and recovery.
From organic/organic farming
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Buddha Protein Xia bar, lemon, spirulina 47gr ECO
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M'agradaria tenir la opció d'escollir jo la quantitat per a la targeta regal. Però és una molt bona idea igualment, gràcies! :)
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