Composor 8 Echina Complex 50ml Soria Natural
It helps strengthen the body’s defenses, preparing it against sudden changes in temperature and the winter period.
Imgredients : Echinacea angustifolia L.), dry extract. Propolis (Propolis), tincture. Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.), essential oil. Vegetable glycerin.
Tip: Adults and over 14s: 1 mL 3 times a day diluted in water.
Presentation: 50 mL
Specifications: Shake before use. Press the teat and wait a few seconds.
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You can return the product, if it has not been used and in its original packaging, within 14 days of the confirmed delivery date of the order.

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M'agradaria tenir la opció d'escollir jo la quantitat per a la targeta regal. Però és una molt bona idea igualment, gràcies! :)
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