Thyme Extract 50ml Soria Natural
It helps you breathe better. It promotes digestion.
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L, leaf) possesses multiple anti-infective, antitussive and expectorant properties, which can help in respiratory conditions, as well as properties that help in slow digestion.
The range of Natural Soria XXI Extract Extracts maintains all the traditions of phytotherapy, applying the latest scientific advances:
With cyclodextrins.
Freeze-dried extract to vegetable glycerin.
Increased absorption.
Greater bioavailability.
Greater stability and protection.
Combination of multiple active ingredients.
They decrease irritation when ingested.
No alcohol.
It helps you breathe better. It promotes digestion.
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L, leaf) possesses multiple anti-infective, antitussive and expectorant properties, which can help in respiratory conditions, as well as properties that help in slow digestion.
The range of Natural Soria XXI Extract Extracts maintains all the traditions of phytotherapy, applying the latest scientific advances:
With cyclodextrins.
Freeze-dried extract to vegetable glycerin.
Increased absorption.
Greater bioavailability.
Greater stability and protection.
Combination of multiple active ingredients.
They decrease irritation when ingested.
No alcohol.
Free shipping from 70€
Returns up to 14 days
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You can return the product, if it has not been used and in its original packaging, within 14 days of the confirmed delivery date of the order.

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M'agradaria tenir la opció d'escollir jo la quantitat per a la targeta regal. Però és una molt bona idea igualment, gràcies! :)
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Uy pensava que era taronja vermella i es "pomelo" error meu!!!!
Massa madur, avui l´he obert i estaba negre