Dandelion Extract 50ml Soria Natural
The extracts are made with desiccated or fresh plants of good quality, from clean crops (organic or organic). They maintain the volatile principles of plants so that their effectiveness is greater. They are preserved for a long time with full efficiency since vegetable glycerin acts as a preservative.
Dandelion is attributed diuretic, purifying and regenerating properties of connective tissue.
Stimulates the production of bile (alleretic).
It is indicated in cases of:
Liver and kidney disorders.
Rheumatism and gout.
Skin diseases (acne, eczema, etc).
Dry dandelion extract (Taraxacum officinale Weber) in vegetable glycerin.
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You can return the product, if it has not been used and in its original packaging, within 14 days of the confirmed delivery date of the order.

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M'agradaria tenir la opciĆ³ d'escollir jo la quantitat per a la targeta regal. PerĆ² Ć©s una molt bona idea igualment, grĆ cies! :)
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Uy pensava que era taronja vermella i es "pomelo" error meu!!!!
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