Pearly Onion 500g Celnat BIO
Pearl barley is a source of fiber and minerals: magnesium, phosphorus, copper.
Barley has been cultivated by man since prehistoric times, both in Mediterranean climates and in northern Europe. It is said that the famous Greek mathematician and philosopher, Pythagoras, was already recommending consumption!
Unlike wheat or rye, the protective cellulosic envelope of the spike remains attached to the barley grain; That’s why we sell the clean barley in its wrapper, which is called “shelled priming.” After a slight abrasion we obtain a barley pearl, hence the name “pearl barley”.
Barley is used to make malt beer (germinated barley).
In North Africa, barley couscous is prepared.
Barley “coffee”, rarely consumed in France, is common in Italy, where it is found in all grocery stores under the name “Orse”.
More traditionally, we find barley in the preparation of soups or salads with vegetables and herbs (oregano, parsley, bay leaf, dill …).
It can also be eaten as rice or potatoes with vegetables and smoked meat or tofu.
From organic/organic farming
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