Gluten-free poppy seeds 150gr La Finestra sul Cielo ECO
Gluten-free poppy seeds 150gr La Finestra sul Cielo ECO
Organically grown poppy seeds, rich in fiber and protein sources. Excellent to add to salads and pasta dishes as well as decorate bakery products, cookies, bread and pallets with an attractive and delicious result. Packaged in a protected atmosphere to preserve all its nutrients. Gluten free. Now in 100% compostable packaging!
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You can return the product, if it has not been used and in its original packaging, within 14 days of the confirmed delivery date of the order.

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Gluten-free poppy seeds 150gr La Finestra sul Cielo ECO
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Cesta muy completa, productos muy buenos y de temporada.
Servicio excelente, me permiten cambiar algún producto y ya tengo
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M'agradaria tenir la opció d'escollir jo la quantitat per a la targeta regal. Però és una molt bona idea igualment, gràcies! :)
Haurieu de posar.los en una bossa a part per saber on son els que s´han de posar a la nevera de seguida
Uy pensava que era taronja vermella i es "pomelo" error meu!!!!
Massa madur, avui l´he obert i estaba negre
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