Probiotic Fermented white cabbage 420gr Bionsan
Cabbage is a vegetable of great nutritional value, the result of its fermentation, has the enormous benefit of multiplying these beneficial properties during the process of lactic fermentation.
Among the properties of cabbage stands out: it takes care of the intestinal microbiota, provides us with a large amount of vitamins and minerals (iron, calcium and phosphorus), it is digestive, it is cleansing (detox), and last but not least: it acts as a protector of the liver and pancreas.
Hot paprika, apart from its peculiar flavor, also provides us with vitamin B6, helps us improve digestion and blood circulation.
It is recommended to eat it both hot and cold, either the main ingredient of the dish or just an accompaniment. It can be present in roasts, codlos, stews, salads, soups. It accompanies both other vegetables and meat and fish, and its vegetable alternatives, such as seitan, textured soy, tofu, among others.
From organic farming
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Probiotic Fermented white cabbage 420gr Bionsan
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