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6 Reasons to consume Organic Food

Seis Raons Per A Consumir Aliments Ecològics Que Has De Saber

Let me tell you 6 reasons to consume organic food and what you should know

  1. 100% Healthy: they do not use preservatives, dyes, antibiotics, chemical fertilizers or pesticides that can be harmful to health.
  2. They are not GMO: Without genetic or chemical modifications, the production of these foods is carried out with 100% natural seeds
  3. Great Benefits: they contain a higher concentration of antioxidant substances and a higher content of vitamins, minerals, proteins, natural carbohydrates of the plant or animal.
  4. They increase biodiversity: Organic production does not harm other species of flora and fauna, but any form of life that surrounds the crop is considered an ally.
  5. Quality products: Its quality versus quantity production system is subject to maximum reliability and the most rigorous control of standards in terms of raw materials, processing, packaging… So it guarantees that organic products are one hundred percent reliable when it comes to consuming them and guaranteeing the purity of their properties and flavor.
  6. Environmentally friendly: Quality is valued more than quantity, leaving aside consumerism and production in large masses and prioritizing sustainable consumption. Reducing water and air pollution, controlling the greenhouse effect and favouring the use of renewable sources are objectives of ecological products

VIDEO: 6 reasons to consume organic food that you should know

1 thought on “6 Reasons to consume Organic Food”

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